
Our formulations are based on extensive testing.  First we prepare a small batch and spray on plants that we know the deer are attracted to, primarily hydrangea and hosta.  We place the treated plants in an area that has daily deer traffic and we monitor it via hidden cameras.  Once we see that the deer either walk right past the sprayed plants or that they sniff, some times even nibble and walk away, we know we have a winner.  Below are the names of our four tried and true formulas and a brief description of each.



The OG is our original formula.  We started working on it four years ago and have been consistently using it for at least two years with amazing results.  As the name suggests, it is the real deal.



Not wanting to reinvent the wheel, we decided to run it back with The OG recipe and only add one ingredient.  The KISS principle works in life but when you are dealling with an area of high deer density (like River Vale NJ), we had to switch it up to keep them guessing.



Oh yeah!!  Decided it was time to "Hulk" up and hit the deer with some green power.  Smells different than the rest but packs a punch nonetheless.



Our hottest and most potent recipe to date.  We won't explain the name but if you do want to know and have a sense of humor, ask us in person and we can get a chuckle out of the naming.